
Federal Association

© Foto: Manuel Frauendorf


Federal Association

The federal association represents the interests of the profession at national and European level. It maintains close contacts with, among others, the Federal Chamber of Architects, planners', engineers' and nature conservation associations, the parliamentary groups of the German Bundestag and individual members of parliament.

The aim of this professional and lobbying work is to introduce the concerns of landscape architects into politics and administration, especially in current legislative procedures.

Furthermore, the federal association organises a large number of specialist and advanced training events, both on planning and design issues, on construction technology and management, and on current developments and legal issues.

At the same time, the federal association with its office in the German Centre for Architecture (DAZ) in Berlin is the daily contact for members and the professional public, for building owners and clients. It provides its members with information and advice and coordinates professional and public relations work at federal level.

Executive committee

The executive committee directs the fortunes of the bdla in accordance with the statutes and the resolutions of the advisory board as the highest decision-making body of the bdla.



Speaker represent professional positions internally and externally. They are the experts and contact persons for central specialist topics.



The bdla has set up nationwide committees to discuss important topics. The bdla regional associations delegate members from their ranks.


Honorary members

The bdla awards honorary membership to persons who have rendered outstanding services to the bdla and/or the interests of landscape architects.


Federal office

The federal office supports the professional work of the bdla and fulfils administrative tasks in accordance with the specifications of the executive committee.


Legal adviser

The bdla's legal adviser advises the association on legal matters of general professional importance. In addition, he is available to members for legal information.


Articles of Association

The Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekt:innen bdla is a registered association. Here you will find the central statutes of the federal association.



The bdla and its members are involved in many external networks and institutions - nationally and internationally.


bdla newsletter

  • regularly
  • relevant
  • informative