bdla association

Become a junior member

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The start to a successful career - with the bdla.

As junior members of the regional associations, students and graduates benefit from exclusive information, services and discounts from the association.

The bdla is committed to your professional future: We are committed to quality training, organize competitions for young professionals and are available to young professionals with advice and support.

What is a junior membership?

Junior membership of the bdla is a temporary membership of the respective national association. It serves as an initial introduction to our professional association. This makes it easier to start your career and lays the foundation for your own professional network.

Junior member status is associated with all the rights and obligations of membership - with the exception of voting rights, the right to submit motions and eligibility for election.

Who can become a junior member?

Students and graduates (up to 3 years after graduation) of a degree course in landscape architecture/open space planning/landscape planning can become junior members.

What are the benefits of Junior Membership?

As a junior member, you benefit from many free or discounted offers:

- E-mail newsletter with current information (12-16 issues per year)
- Association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekt:innen" (4 issues per year)
- Advice on questions about starting a career
- Information exchange and networking
- bdla competitions for young professionals
- Sample contracts, information leaflets, work aids
- Access to internal online forums (bdla construction manager forum, landscape planning forum)
- Contact person for professional questions
- Reduced participation fees for bdla specialist events
- Exclusive information such as sample contracts (e.g. internship contract and internship contract) and information about the bdla's work in the field of landscape architecture.e.g. internship contract) and work aids
- Intergenerational exchange within the profession

How do I become a junior member?

The bdla office of the regional association will be happy to accept the application for admission for examination by the admission committee.

How does the bdla support students and young professionals?

The bdla works together with colleges and universities and promotes young professionals through special events and competitions for young professionals.

All documents for your junior membership

Here you will find information for your junior membership. Select your regional group - either according to your place of residence or your place of study - and download the documents.

Baden-Württemberg regional association

The annual membership fee is 25 euros for students and 75 euros for graduates. Junior members receive a pro-rata refund of the membership fee already paid for the current year if they become a full or associate member.

State Association of Bavaria

Membership is possible during your studies and up to three years after graduation. The annual membership fee for students is 25 euros and 100 euros after graduation.

Berlin-Brandenburg regional group

Membership is possible during studies and up to three years after graduation. The annual fee for student junior members and for junior members in the year of graduation is 25 euros. The annual membership fee for junior members in the 1st to 3rd calendar year after graduation is 75 euros. Junior members receive a pro rata refund of the membership fee already paid for the current year if they become a full or associate member.

Hamburg regional association

Membership is possible during studies and up to three years after graduation. The annual membership fee for students until graduation (in the year of admission pro rata for the full calendar months of membership) is 30 euros. For graduates up to a maximum of 3 years (36 months) after graduation (valid from the first calendar month following graduation), the annual membership fee is 48 euros.

State Association of Hesse

The annual membership fee is 25 euros for students and 75 euros for graduates. Junior members receive a pro rata refund of the membership fee already paid for the current year if they become a full or associate member.

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern regional group

Junior membership is possible during studies and up to three years after graduation. Student junior members pay an annual fee of 30 euros. The annual fee for graduates up to 3 years after graduation is 30 euros. Current enrollment certificates from the university must be submitted regularly as proof of study.

State Association of Lower Saxony Bremen

Junior membership is possible during your studies and up to three years after graduation. The annual membership fee for students is 25 euros, from the first calendar year after graduation 75 euros.

North Rhine-Westphalia regional group

Membership is possible during studies and up to three years after graduation. A flat-rate regional fee is charged for junior members. Student junior members pay an annual fee of 25 euros. The annual fee for graduates up to 3 years after graduation is 75 euros. Current enrolment certificates from the university must be submitted regularly as proof of study.

Rhineland-Palatinate/Saarland regional group

The annual membership fee for students is 30 euros, the annual membership fee from January 1 of the calendar year after graduation is 50 euros.

State Association Saxony

The annual fee for students is 25 euros and for graduates 75 euros per calendar year.

Saxony-Anhalt regional group

Student junior members pay an annual fee of 25 euros. The annual fee for graduates up to 3 years after graduation is 75 euros. Current enrollment certificates from the university must be submitted regularly as proof of studies.

Schleswig-Holstein regional group

The annual fee for students is 25 euros, graduates up to three years after graduation pay 75 euros per year.

State Association Thuringia

The annual membership fee is 25 euros for students and 50 euros for working junior members in the 1st to 3rd calendar year after graduation. Junior membership is possible until three years after graduation.

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