
Climate adaptation and green infrastructure

The intensive use and climatic changes of urban and landscape spaces are placing ever-increasing demands on the design of the environment.

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Landscape architects are experts in adapting to climate change. They shape the climate - with green open spaces for fresh and cool air, infiltration areas, green roofs and facades, biotopes and renaturation.

Green infrastructure is an integrative concept for action that addresses urban and rural areas in a variety of ways: Urban growth, recreation and health care, emptying rural regions, the energy transition with power lines or solar fields.

Green infrastructure also relates to ecology and biodiversity. Landscape architects develop networked regional green systems in areas with high agricultural use.

Klimaanpassung & Grüne Infrastruktur: Neugestaltung der Lauter in Kirchheim unter Teck, Planung/Foto: Geitz & Partner


Climate adaptation in urban planning

bdla presents recommendations for the reform of urban planning law

News • 29.06.2023

We shape the climate - preparing cities and regions for climate change

The effects of climate change can be reduced through targeted strategies and measures. Landscape architects develop innovative concepts and solutions for climate adaptation.

Landscape architects design climate

The effects of climate change can be reduced through targeted climate adaptation measures. The online exhibition shows successful projects.

Online exhibition "Climate adaptation"

Downloads on Climate adaptation & Green infrastructure

Flyer Klimareihe 2024

Veranstaltungen · Jul 2024 · 0.27 MB

bdla The Garden of the Earth

Englisch · May 2023 · 0.14 MB

bdla Green Infrastructur 2015

Englisch · Jun 2015 · 0.27 MB

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