Landscape architecture

Career entry

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Information about the profession landscape architect:in

Landscape architects are in great demand on the job market. Many career paths are open to graduates.

Employed in planning office

Planning offices offer innovative work in small, creative teams. A lean organization, collegial interaction and flat hierarchies are typical.

In many planning offices, the daily work routine is characterized by local projects, diverse tasks, a high degree of personal responsibility and the use as an "all-rounder". In other planning offices, however, the work is supraregional and often international. In addition to the "all-rounder", there are also specialists. Often, they work on "lighthouse projects" that are the focus of public attention and the media.

Working in the administration

Many fields of work await in public administrations: Open space development concepts, management of public green spaces, climate adaptation measures, citizen participation. Public authorities are also facing a generational change and are looking for skilled personnel. For a higher administrative career, you should complete a regional planning or urban planning traineeship after graduation.

Self-employed as a freelance:r landscape architect:in

Self-employment can be a very interesting career move, often after several years as an employee:r. Either you join an existing company as a partner:in or you start your own design firm. This requires a "sense" of business management requirements, above-average commitment and a clear idea of direction, for example through a specialized offering. In the following PDF, young office founders report on their experiences.

bdla supports self-employment

The professional association supports young office founders in many ways. Among other things, the bdla working group Young Landscape Architects promotes joint exchange. bdla board member Franz Reschke provides information about this in an interview.


An internship, before and during studies, is a great benefit for career orientation. It provides a deep insight into real working life, imparts crucial knowledge, makes it easier to start a career later on, and earns you plus points with potential employers. Sometimes a first job results from an earlier internship. In the internship and job exchange, planning offices are looking for interns. A nationwide list of planning offices can be found at

First contact for student internships: We have compiled information on student internships.

Job search

The bdla job exchange is recommended for researching job offers or posting a job application yourself. A broad, nationwide overview is also offered by the information service "arbeitsmarkt Umweltschutz und Naturwissenschaften" of the Wissenschaftsladen Bonn.

Chamber eligibility and chamber entry

The professional title "landscape architect" or "landscape architect" is protected by law. Only those who are members of a chamber of architects may call themselves accordingly. The prerequisite is a degree in landscape architecture of at least six semesters, in some federal states also at least eight semesters. In addition, proof of professional activity of two to three years must be provided. For detailed information, please contact the registration committees of the chambers of architects.

Of course, graduates can also work as employees or freelancers without being registered with the chamber. However, they may not use the word or word element "architect" or "architecture" in their professional or office title. In addition, as a rule, only those who are registered in the list of architects may participate in architectural competitions.

Profession Definition

In order to promote international recognition of the profession, a globally standardized definition of the profession was established by IFLA in 2020.

Positions and information of the bdla on education and training are available here.

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