
Uwe Isterling is dead. The profession was his life.

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At the age of 85, Uwe Isterling, chairman of bdla-Hamburg from 1978 to 1989 and long-time assessor in the bdla presidium, passed away in Hamburg on December 14, 2016.

We mourn the loss of an esteemed colleague who was always committed to the interests of the profession beyond his successful work as a garden and landscape architect. Uwe Isterling was a member of the bdla for over 45 years, we thank him for his trust and commitment.

Born in 1931, deprived of his youth in Hamburg by the National Socialists during the Second World War, Uwe Isterling grew up in Pansdorf/Holstein and completed an apprenticeship as a gardener there from 1949-52. His years as a journeyman also took him to Switzerland, where he learned in particular how to work with natural stone, which he would later use so skilfully in his designs. Uwe Isterling studied at the "Höhere Gartenbauschule Osnabrück" and then worked in the office of Günther Schulze in Hamburg. In 1964 Uwe Isterling ventured into self-employment and built up his office continuously and successfully at Hochallee No. 109. His fields of activity included private gardens, outdoor facilities at various administrative buildings and public buildings as well as realized competitions such as the Sternschanzenpark and the water park at the Dove Elbe.

The Hamburg landscape architect Jan Michael Runge wrote in 1996 in an article in "Landschaftsarchitekten" on Uwe Isterling's 65th birthday: "His profession is his life. (...) Especially the handling of plants is the focus of Uwe Isterling's work. (...) His profound horticultural knowledge is paired with creative empathy and with an open, curious way of approaching people." This is how we will remember Uwe Isterling. His works will have an effect beyond his lifetime.

On behalf of the Board: Holger Paschburg, Chairman bdla Landesverband Hamburg e.V.

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