
Resolution of the planning professions on the Berlin Building Academy

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Chambers and associations of the planning professions and the Council for Building Culture and Monument Culture in the German Cultural Council adopted a joint resolution on the Berlin Building Academy at the end of March 2017 on the initiative of the Federal Chamber of Architects.

In this, they support the democratic and transparent dialogue process that the Federal Foundation for Building Culture is conducting on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Building.

The Berlin Bauakademie, one of Karl Friedrich Schinkel's major works, is to be rebuilt on its historic site. The Budget Committee of the German Bundestag has laid the foundation for this with its promise to provide over 60 million euros for the construction.

The chambers and associations of the planning professions welcome this decision by parliament. The dialogue procedure now initiated by the Federal Ministry of Building to develop a viable utilization concept for the rebuilt Bauakademie Berlin is the right way to be able to make important decisions on the content in advance of an interdisciplinary planning competition that is then to be announced.

The Federal Foundation for Building Culture, commissioned by the Federal Government, is the ideal partner for carrying out this procedure, bringing together the various players and interests in a structured and public process.

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