
Landscape architect Wolfgang Miller (1928 - 2017) passed away in Stuttgart. An obituary

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When one loses a good friend, it is also a cause for reflection. In Wolfgang Miller's case, the result is multi-layered.

Wolfgang was a special person and landscape architect, a wonderful catalyst, especially in a group of friends from our profession that could hardly be more different - a travel group that had been making trips to historic gardens in Europe since the 1970s.

When we learned of Wolfgang's death, we telephoned and reminisced about those memorable trips: Bernd Weigel prepared the trips in the best way, he was the motor; Martin Anuschek (†) the antipole and Wolfgang Miller the balancing factor. Gerda Gollwitzer (†), Eckard Riedel, Gerd Wegener, Hans Luz (†), Hermann Huttenlocher (†) etc. were almost always there. Also on our 1976 trip to the Renaissance gardens of Italy, organized for us by Prof. Pietro Porcinai, just returned from exile in Lebanon.

Later, the Andalusian gardens in southern Spain brought important inspiration (in the picture, from left to right, Gottfried Hansjakob, Martin Anuschek and Wolfgang Miller on an excursion to Spain in 1978). The discussions with friends in these wonderful gardens and afterwards - over tapas and wine in restaurants specially chosen by Gottfried Hansjakob - should actually have been recorded. Further study trips took us to France and England.

But back to Wolfgang Miller, the landscape architect from Stuttgart. He died on March 3, 2017, in his 88th year. With his dear wife Marianne, Wolfgang had the right partner. "Without his wife, a landscape architect is worth only half," said Wilhelm Hübotter.

We and many in the profession know his works, or at least the special ones, as follows:
- Olympic Village and Olympic Sports Complex for the 1972 Olympics in Munich in planning consortium with Prof. Hans Luz
- Federal Garden Show 1981 Kassel
- Federal Garden Show 1985 Berlin-Britz ("Berlin wanted to have everything that was beautiful and expensive", he is supposed to have said once).

In 1977 Prof. Hans Luz and Wolfgang Miller, freelance landscape architects bdla, Stuttgart, were awarded the BDLA prize for open space design in housing for their planning of the residential development "Am Jagdfeld" in Munich-Haar (1971 - 1976). The great garden shows in Kassel and Berlin, all were a milestone of the art of thought.

"If you didn't exist, you would have to be invented!" - We believe Alwin Seifert said that about Wilhelm Hübotter. And it also fits our beloved and revered Wolfgang Miller.

Traveling friends and colleagues
Richard Bödeker
Gottfried Hansjakob
Eckard Riedel
Bernd Weigel
Gerd Wegener

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