
Vice President of the Bundestag Johannes Singhammer at the IGA Berlin

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On 5 May 2017, bdla President Till Rehwaldt invited Johannes Singhammer, Vice President of the Bundestag, to a tour of the IGA Berlin 2017.

After a brief introduction by Beate Reuber, Senior Park Manager, on the origins of the park and its development into the IGA, Till Rehwaldt explained the spatial structures of the site, pointed out special plant details in the design and highlighted the added value of the park for the surrounding districts. The tour concluded with a special highlight of the IGA, a visit to the international garden cabinets. Johannes Singhammer congratulated the planners and makers of the IGA.

A continuation of the discussions was agreed upon. One of the bdla's aims is to anchor the promotion of BUGAs at federal level.

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