
Recommendable brochure on urban green infrastructure published

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Urban green infrastructure - the basis for attractive and sustainable cities' is the title of a new practical brochure published by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN).

Partners of the publication are the German Conference of Garden Authorities, the Alliance of Local Authorities for Biodiversity, BUND, the Association of German Landscape Architects and the Federal Association for Professional Nature Conservation.

Urban green infrastructure stands for an appreciation of urban green space as an essential contribution to the provision of public services, which is just as important for a good life in the city as the technical or social infrastructure. The approach emphasizes the multiple services and functions of urban green that have an impact on quality of life and sustainability.

'Urban green infrastructure offers a special opportunity to view nature conservation and open space planning as a holistic concern and to bring together municipal actors from the green sector', says BfN President Prof. Beate Jessel.

But what exactly is meant by urban green infrastructure? How is it planned, how is it implemented, what types of areas does it include and which actors from local government and civil society are key partners in its implementation? These questions are answered in the brochure, which BfN has prepared together with researchers from the Technical University of Munich, the Technical University of Berlin, the planning office bgmr-Landschaftsarchitekten and numerous actors from science, municipalities and associations.

`The brochure of the BfN also helps us professionals to represent urban green spaces in the public discourse in the future, similar to the technical, digital or social infrastructure, as a complex system that provides extensive services for society', Till Rehwaldt, bdla president, stated in praise.

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