
Register now: bdla business forum on 13.11.2017 in Würzburg

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Topics: Contract for work - fee - office handover

At the anniversary event, the 10th Business Forum of the bdla, bdla legal advisor Dr. Sebastian Schattenfroh will report on the new law on contracts for work and services, which comes into force on 1 January 2018. In addition, practical regulations for the remuneration of cost group 540 will be discussed.

The focus in the afternoon will be on office handover. Management consultant Jörg T. Eckhold will report on the determination and structuring of the purchase price. Creative solutions are required here, which do justice to the interests of both the transferor and the transferee. In addition, a Berlin planning office reports concretely on their handover process.

Last but not least, it will be discussed how the market for planning services is currently developing and what the offices will have to adjust to in the future.

The bdla economic forum is an event and discussion offer of the bdla - open for all economically thinking and acting in offices, offices and authorities.

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