
New AHO booklet on fee calculation in urban land use planning published

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In the series of publications of the AHO the booklet 36 "Bewertungsmerkmale für die Ermittlung der Honorarzone in der Bauleitplanung" has been published.

It can be ordered from the AHO at a price of € 32.80 incl. VAT plus shipping costs.

With the HOAI amendment 2013, independent assessment criteria for the determination of the fee zones were introduced for the land use plan and the development plan. These differ considerably from the evaluation characteristics of the HOAI 1996/2009. The AHO booklet No. 36 creates clarity in the new terminology: Each evaluation characteristic is defined in detail, then the relevant allocation criteria are presented. In a further step, the requirements (low, average, high) for each evaluation characteristic are described in detail and in a practice-oriented manner.

For a quick determination of the fee zone, the booklet provides checklists for each urban land use plan in a short and long version. The checklists can be made part of a service offer or serve to evaluate particularly complex or ambiguous features. Ten practical examples from the field of "development plan" with task and plan section illustrate the handling of the checklists. They clarify the weighting of the evaluation characteristics and show the allocation to a certain fee zone.

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