
Presentation of the German Building Owner Award on 21 February 2018 in Berlin

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On 21 February 2018, the prizes of the competition for the German Building Owner Award were awarded and the nominees were honoured during the Berlin construction trade fair bautec.

In the presence of over 400 guests from politics and business, 12 of the 33 nominated projects were awarded prizes that evening. We congratulate all the landscape architects who, with their award-winning plans, have made an outstanding contribution to enhancing the building culture and design quality in the residential environment.

The jury did not differentiate between new construction and modernization, as in previous competitions, but assigned the prizes to eleven themes, which were determined by the jury after reviewing the entries. The jury, which included Friedhelm Terfrüchte, landscape architect bdla in Essen, on behalf of the Association of German Landscape Architects, was chaired by Heiner Farwick, President of the Association of German Architects BDA.

The guiding principle of the prize, which has been awarded since 1986 by the KOOPERATION working group of the GdW Federal Association of German Housing and Real Estate Companies, the Association of German Architects BDA and the German Association of Cities, is "High quality at affordable costs". "We need high-quality and affordable housing, both in new construction and in the renovation of existing buildings, which make a sustainable contribution to urban development and in which people also want to live," explained the organisers Axel Gedaschko, GdW President, BDA President Heiner Farwick and Barbara Bosch, Mayor of the City of Reutlingen and Deputy President of the German Association of Cities.

The competition gave in-depth consideration to open space planning and monument protection concerns, supported by the Association of German Landscape Architects and the German Foundation for Monument Protection, respectively.

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