
Federal Congress of Green Associations on 8-9.6.2018: New ways in green space management

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From 8 to 9 June 2018, representatives of the bdla, BGL, DBG, SRL / IfR, DGGL, FLL, GALK associations will gather in Frankfurt/Main for their annual national congress. The venue is the Gewerkschaftshaus in the Main metropolis.

On Thursday, 8 June 2018, expert speakers from the participating associations will give presentations on selected aspects of the congress topic "New Ways in Green Space Management". On behalf of the bdla, Dipl.-Ing. Gabriele Pütz, landscape architect bdla, gruppe F Landschaftsarchitekten, will address the significance for planning and green space maintenance on the basis of the Berlin handbook "Good Care".

Excursions on Saturday, 9 June 2018, will lead to Grüneburgpark, Frankfurt's main cemetery and Around the Harbour Park.

The Joint Federal Congress of Green Associations will kick off with the 60th Annual Meeting of the Garden Authority Heads Conference and the General Meeting of the GALK e.V. Association on Thursday, 7 June 2018 at the Gewerkschaftshaus in Frankfurt/Main.

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