
Federal Minister of Transport announces draft planning acceleration law

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Federal Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer (CSU) wants to present the draft for a Planning Acceleration Act to the federal cabinet by September of this year.

This is what Scheuer told the Transport Committee on 25 April 2018. The aim is to avoid duplicate inspections, reduce the number of interfaces, enable standardisation, make procedures more efficient and create greater transparency.

The coalition agreement of the Federal Government states on p. 75: "We will pass a Planning and Construction Acceleration Act. With it, we want to achieve significant improvements and even more dynamism in the areas of transport, infrastructure, energy and housing. By involving citizens at an early stage, reducing bureaucracy and deploying personnel in a targeted manner, we want to plan and build our public transport routes more quickly. By changing the legal requirements, we want to make it easier for infrastructure projects to go ahead. In doing so, we will be guided by the German Unity transport projects and the twelve points of the Transport Ministry's planning acceleration strategy. For selected projects with overriding public interest, we will shorten planning and approval procedures and limit administrative court proceedings to one instance."

In the bdla, the landscape planning working group is already dealing with the topic. As usual, the legislative procedure will be intensively accompanied by the bdla.

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