
Georg Grobmeyer new head of the AHO expert commission landscape planning

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Mr. Dipl.-Ing. Georg Grobmeyer was unanimously elected as the new head of the expert commission "Landscape Planning" in the Committee of the Associations and Chambers of Engineers and Architects for the Fee Regulations e.V. (AHO), Dipl.-Ing. Georg Grobmeyer was unanimously elected.

He thus became the successor of Peter Hermanns. This means that a total of 24 expert commissions in the AHO are concerned with the various planning areas. Georg Grobmeyer is also a long-standing active member of the bdla and senior partner in the ALAND planning office (Hanover).

The AHO Committee of Associations and Chambers of Engineers and Architects for the Fee Structure e.V. is the federation of authoritative engineering associations, the state chambers of engineers in Germany as well as some chambers and associations of architects. As a professional association, the AHO protects and represents the fee and competition interests of engineers and architects. The AHO is in constant dialogue with the legislator as well as with the public and private clients in order to advocate a system of fees, awarding and contracting which does equal justice to the interests of contractors and clients.

The key elements of the AHO's work are its expert commissions, in which highly qualified engineers and architects discuss fundamental issues of fee law, further develop the existing service specifications of the HOAI, and develop new service specifications, e.g. on the topics of sustainability certification, deep geothermal energy, and Building Information Modeling (BIM). The results of this honorary work can be found, among other things, in the booklets of the Green Series of Publications of the AHO. The bdla is an extraordinary member of the AHO.

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