
German Advisory Council on the Environment (Sachverständigenrat für Umweltfragen) comments on housing construction

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The German Advisory Council on the Environment SRU presented its statement "Thinking about new housing construction in the long term - For more environmental protection and quality of life in cities" in Berlin on 21 November 2018.

In doing so, it wants to draw attention to the ecological requirements for new housing construction.

In addition to a sustainable circular economy in construction, the SRU also focuses on the challenges of double internal development and the growing importance of open spaces in urban development.

"It is necessary for cities to have sufficient green spaces in which all population groups enjoy spending time," said Council member Prof. Dr. Niekisch. Green spaces also play an important role in the course of municipal climate adaptation processes.

The SRU recommends that the Federal Government introduce a nationwide trade in land certificates as soon as possible. This instrument can be used to ensure that building only takes place where there is a need. This is the only way to achieve the Federal Government's land-saving target from the sustainability strategy in view of the current high demand for housing.

Many points in the SRU statement have been represented by the bdla for many years in professional circles and in the political arena. Unfortunately, some facts have been incompletely prepared and are worthy of discussion.

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