
Dr. h.c. Hans Dorn, landscape architect bdla, died at the age of 90

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On December 31, 2018, at the age of 90, Dr. h.c. Hans Dorn, landscape architect bdla, in Frankfurt/Main.

Hans Dorn was born on October 4, 1928 in Schlüchtern, Hesse. After graduating from high school, he went to Sweden, Switzerland and Germany to study from 1948 onwards. In 1957 he founded the planning office Hans Dorn Garten Landschaft in Frankfurt's Holbeinstraße 17 with a focus on object and landscape planning as well as garden monument preservation. In 2007 he celebrated the 50th anniversary of the office with his colleagues.

In the year the office was founded, Hans Dorn joined the bdla and the German Society for Garden Art and Garden Culture DGGL. From 1983 to 1990 he was chairman of the bdla regional group Hessen.

He was involved at an early stage at an international level, for example in the International Federation of Landscape Architects IFLA, was IFLA delegate of the bdla, president of the IFLA committee Historic Gardens - Cultural Landscapes, IFLA delegate in the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO.

His international work is acknowledged by the current IFLA President James Hayter, who says: "His leadership in the International Federation of Landscape Architects, particularly as Chair of the ICOMOS IFLA International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes, has been significant and has led to a better understanding of policy and practice in the field. (...) Hans excelled in his global understanding of both the landscape architecture profession and the rapid emergence of cultural landscapes as one of the defining attributes of our profession."

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