
bdla brochure on cost group 540 published

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The bdla has recently published the free brochure "Technische Anlagen in Freianlagen - Planungsleistungen und Vorschläge zur Honorierung".

The tasks in landscape architecture are becoming increasingly diverse and complex. Successful project execution requires intensive cooperation with architects and specialist planners. Depending on the task and the type of project, the coordination of the individual services can involve a considerable amount of work. This applies in particular to the technical installations in the outdoor facilities. Here the question often arises as to who is responsible for the planning and how the landscape architect's performance is to be remunerated in this context.

With this brochure, the Association of German Landscape Architects would like to create clarity for all those involved in the project with regard to performance and responsibilities, as well as to present a comprehensible solution proposal for remuneration.

The publication comprises 28 pages and is available here for free download or can be ordered as a printed copy.

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