
Conference Update Landscape and Environmental Development

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On 14 and 15 March 2019, bdla will host the third update conference for landscape designers.

In Cologne, current tasks of landscape and environmental planning are presented and discussed. Representatives of the legal and planning sciences as well as planning practice will contribute their specific perspectives.

With regard to rural areas, the possibilities of creative landscape planning and the role of green infrastructures will be discussed. For settlement areas, the focus is on the application and perspectives of § 13b BauGB and the cross-border development of trade and landscape. The new recommendations for action on environmental justice and their concrete implementation in landscape planning in municipalities will be explained. The first day of the event will be rounded off with an overview of the relevant professional developments in the field.

The second day of the event will focus on current developments in the field of EIA. Subsequently, information will be provided on the current law on contracts for work and services, especially in environmental planning, complemented by a look at the special services in landscape, environmental and area planning. Current development lines of a consolidating environmental construction supervision are explained. Outlooks on digitalization strategies in the professional field and on the relevance of BIM for projects round off the symposium.

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