
Election benchmarks of the planning professions for the European elections 2019

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The professional associations of the planning professions in Germany have drawn up election touchstones for the election of the European Parliament.

These concern, among other things, the topics of building culture, training, awarding contracts, standardisation, digitalisation and sustainability. Topics that affect planners in the exercise of their profession. The parties are now asked to respond to the questions formulated therein. The outcome will be announced in May.

The adaptation of built urban landscapes to climate change is acknowledged as a particular professional concern in the election test stones. Climate adaptation measures are known to be moving to the centre of urban and regional development worldwide. The planners' associations demand that climate adaptation measures, and in particular the green infrastructures essential for this, become central components of the urban agenda and of European funding policies. The parties are specifically asked to answer the following question: How will you integrate the fields of action Climate Adaptation and Green Infrastructure into EU urban and funding policies?

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