Greening concepts for the city of the future are a hot topic among experts. The bdla Planting Planner Days provide a comprehensive overview of the essential developments in the planning of woody and perennial plantings.

Greening concepts for the city of the future are a hot topic among experts. The bdla Planting Planner Days provide a comprehensive overview of the essential developments in the planning of woody and perennial plantings.
The 3rd event of this new bdla advanced training series will take place on 21 and 22 June 2019 at the Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences in Freising. Renowned experts from Germany and abroad will give lectures on the topics I) Planting, care, tendering and acceptance, II) Presentation of planting plans, III) Plant knowledge, IV) Creativity and design in planting planning.
The practical knowledge transfer in the lecture hall will be followed by the exchange of experiences "in the bed". Excursions to Weihenstephan gardens as well as excursions to Munich and Augsburg will be offered.
The symposium is aimed at landscape architects in planning offices and public authorities as well as experts in horticulture and landscaping, the nursery and perennial plant industry. Cooperation partners are the Association of German Nurseries (BdB), the Association of German Perennial Gardeners (BdS), the Federal Association of Garden, Landscape and Sports Ground Construction (BGL), the Landscape Research Society (FLL) and the Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences.
Landscape Architecture