
Meeting of the sponsors of the competition German Landscape Architecture Award 2019

Unter hohen Kiefern im Rhododendronpark in Gristede: Frank Hellenbrandt (Rinn Beton- und Naturstein GmbH & Co. KG), Jan-Gerd Bruns (Bruns Pflanzen), Stefan Dittrich (NürnbergMesse GmbH), Heiko Patzer (smb Seilspielgeräte GmbH), Petra Baum (bdla), Jan-Dieter Bruns (Bruns Pflanzen), Harald Fugmann (bdla-Präsidium), Dirk Böcker (GaLaBau-Service GmbH), Till Rehwaldt (bdla-Präsidium), Christopher Uibeleisen (smb Seilspielgeräte GmbH), Oliver Runge (Runge GmbH & Co.KG.) und Christoph Kluska (Bruns Pflanzen) v.l.n.r. Foto: Mario Kahl

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The invitation was extended on Friday, 17 May 2019, by Bruns Pflanzen in Bad Zwischenahn.

The homepage of Bruns Pflanzen states that the Gristede Rhododendron Park is "an attraction in all seasons". On this day in May, the travelling sponsors of the German Landscape Architecture Award 2019 experienced the park and the surrounding Ammerland as one huge sea of blossoms and fragrances, a unique colourful attraction.

Thus "illuminated" and fascinated, the company and association representatives took up their exchange of ideas, to which the "host" Jan-Dieter Bruns welcomed them most cordially in the park pavilion in the middle of a large landscape park.

In his opening words, bdla President Till Rehwaldt thanked Bruns for his hospitality. Towards those present - Dirk Böcker (GaLaBau-Service GmbH), Jan-Dieter Bruns (Bruns-Pflanzen-Export GmbH

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