
2nd bdla Designer Days on 8 and 9 November 2019

Im Bild: BUGA Holzpavillon 2019. Projektteam: Institut für Computerbasiertes Entwerfen und Baufertigung (ICD) und Institut für Tragkonstruktionen und konstruktives Entwerfen (ITKE) der Univ. Stuttgart, Müllerblaustein Bauwerke GmbH, BEC GmbH, BUGA Heilbronn 2019 GmbH ©ICD/ITKE Univ. Stuttgart

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The bdla Designer Days are aimed at all those landscape architects who are active in design, i.e. in the work phases two to five of the object planning of outdoor facilities. The focus this year is on designing and planning with wood and metal.

As in the previous year, landscape architects, but also architects, designers and experts will report. The topics include digital design methods and robotic production (e.g. BUGA Wooden Pavilion 2019), but above all concrete projects and the question of the design attitude with which the planners approach the tasks. The multi-award-winning architect Peter Haimerl will be one of the speakers.

Excursions round off the programme of events. A thematic excursion "wood" to the integrated secondary school Mahlsdorf is planned. Alternatively, the framework planning for the "new" Spreepark will be discussed and the first steps of its implementation will be visited on site.

Registration deadline: 25 October 2019

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