
The city as a sponge

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Property drainage becomes stormwater management.

Drainage is a well-established term, it appears in textbooks, specifications and standards, it is part of common usage. In some planning offices, one prefers to speak of rainwater management or stormwater management. The term drainage implies that rainwater must be drained. The deliberate choice of words is intended to add value to one's own service, namely the planning of sustainable systems for dealing with precipitation water. The focus is shifted away from disposal to the sustainable handling of rainwater.

The approach to decentralized stormwater management extends far beyond actual site drainage. In recent years, a number of new projects and planning tools have developed in this context in which landscape architects are, or at least should be, involved.

Flood Proof

First and foremost, of course, is the flood proof. The reason for the introduction of the Flood Proof in 2002 was the increase in heavy rainfall events, progressive land sealing, especially as a result of the redensification of existing neighbourhoods, and the limited capacity of existing drainage systems. Some stormwater runoff is expected to temporarily remain on the property without causing damage before it drains into the sewer. Flood proofing therefore contributes to municipal flood prevention at the property drainage level.

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