On Friday, 22 November 2019, the public relations spokespersons of the bdla regional groups met in Berlin for their 50th meeting.

Almost exactly 24 years ago to the day, the working group - with Ina Bimberg, Peter Glaser and Ingeborg Paland, among others - met in Bonn to discuss agenda items such as "Promotion of projects of the regional group public relations work" and "Concept of the German Landscape Architecture Prize". Also discussed was the campaign surrounding the opening of the bdla office in the German Architecture Centre in Berlin in October 1996.
And also with the current, the 50th meeting the numerous activities of the national group public work stood again in the center of the meeting. The lively exchange of ideas about successful projects, new topics, cooperation and synergies enlivened the debate. Enriched by the question of how the greatest challenge of our time, climate change, could be made even more meaningful and effective for the profession and the public. The speakers received PR support from bdla President Till Rehwaldt, who coined the phrase "We are shaping the climate" at the bdla closed meeting in Ettersburg on 15 November.
And while in 1995 the updating of the planning manual, its actualization by means of "exemplary projects from the practice" heated up the minds, today the considerations entwined themselves around the rapid advance of the modern media, the information overload accompanying with it and the place, which the federation takes/should take in it.
Those present were enthusiastic about the extremely successful relaunch of bdla.de and already gave tips for the facelift of the web portal "Landschaftsarchitektur-heute.de", scheduled for the end of September 2020.
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