
"Green" archives for estates of landscape architects

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The overview lists archives of building culture in Germany, which archive the preliminary and posthumous bequests of architects of all disciplines and make them accessible if required.

Hints and information came, among others, from the bdla regional associations as well as directly from archives and collections via the Federation of German-Speaking Architectural Collections.

Network of Landscape Architecture Archives of Europe (NELA) founded

In the context of the ECLAS conference (European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools) in Oslo, eight European archives of landscape architecture joined forces to form an international network on 18 September 2019. The aim of NELA, Network of Landscape Architecture Archives of Europe, is to build together on the historical foundation of landscape architecture. Through publications and exhibitions, NELA aims to improve visibility in society and communicate landscape architecture to a wider population. See: Memory of the profession: the European archive network NELA.

Architectural archives in Germany

The list is sorted in ascending order by postal code and is updated continuously. The Federal Office would be grateful if you could inform us.

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