
12th bdla Business Forum

Foto: Dietmar Meinert / pixelio

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Topic: Award - Controlling - Subcontract management - Safety requirements

At the bdla Business Forum 2020 on 03.03.2020 in Kassel, the focus will be on current challenges facing planning offices: challenging award culture, helpful controlling, necessary supplement management, mandatory safety requirements.

In the first part of the event, Dr. Schattenfroh, legal advisor of the bdla, will provide information on current issues of public procurement. Tailored to the practice of landscape architects, various sub-topics such as the different types of procedures, e-tendering and EEE form, but also the correct approach to the tasks will be put up for discussion.

In the second part of the business forum, practitioners will describe the approach to relevant subtasks of successful office management. In addition to controlling, supplementary management will be presented. Last but not least, an expert will shed light on the cyber knock-out of a planning office.

In addition to the lectures, the event places great emphasis on the exchange of ideas between colleagues. The economic forum is an information and discussion offer of the bdla - open for all economically thinking and acting in planning offices and authorities.

Registration deadline is February 17, 2020


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