
Award of planning services - correct bidder behaviour

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The formalised awarding of planning services is also becoming increasingly important in landscape architecture and landscape planning.

Since the end of 2018, awards above the EU threshold have to be made purely electronically; many sub-threshold awards are now also made purely electronically. This means that bidders must also submit their applications, tenders and, as a rule, correspondence in the procedure via a so-called award platform.

This text deals with the question of how to behave sensibly as a bidder in a formalised award procedure in order to increase the chance of being awarded the contract.

Autor: Dr. Sebastian Schattenfroh, Fachanwalt für Bau- und Architektenrecht, Fachanwalt für Vergaberecht, Justiziar des bdla. Der Text erschien in der bdla-Verbandszeitschrift "Landschaftsarchitekten" 2/2020.

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