
Working worlds - attractive free spaces in the working environment

RAG-Zentrale Zeche Zollverein, Essen. Planung: GREENBOX Landschaftsarchitekten, Foto: Nikolai Benner

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Corporate gardens are part of the diverse green infrastructure nationwide. The focus here is on the considerations of making the working environment attractive and usable, as well as increasing the aesthetic appeal through the use of plants and high-quality materials. An attractive working environment has a positive effect on the working atmosphere, corporate image and employee loyalty.

People value sustainable, health-promoting and aesthetic environments in the places where they spend the most time.

Dr. Beatrice Kramm, President of the IHK Berlin

Discussions about insect mortality, bee pastures, rainwater infiltration, biodiversity and DGNB standards have also led to a rethink in companies.

The "tidy lawn" has become an unsightly burden, especially in the last two years. (...) The interest in the economy in "near-natural company grounds" is therefore great.

Sven Schulz, Lake Constance Foundation

Attractively designed green and recreational areas of companies offer space for a variety of uses, generate positive effects on the climate and also contribute to biodiversity. Company gardens are the green business card with added value.

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