
European Green Cities Award 2020

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Bold, fresh and inspiring green infrastructure projects wanted

As part of the EU's Green Cities for a Sustainable Europe campaign, a European project that makes the most of the benefits associated with urban greening will be awarded at the end of 2020.

From now until 30 July 2020, all cities, municipalities, landscape architecture firms, planners, developers, etc. are therefore called upon to apply with their projects that make cities greener, more livable and more sustainable. Conceivable projects include school grounds, renaturalised industrial estates, city parks and hospitals, new residential quarters and much more. The projects should have been completed within the last five years. The prerequisite for applying for a project is that its indoor or outdoor greening creates real added value for people and the environment, such as a contribution to biodiversity, health and well-being, or aspects of environmental justice and climate protection.

The European Green Cities Award 2020 recognises green infrastructure. © ENA/BdB/Graf Luckner

After the application deadline on 30 July 2020, one national project from each participating country will be selected and submitted to the international nine-member jury, which includes delegates from all countries. The participating projects themselves must be based in the above countries. The jury will select a winner, who will be announced at the end of September/beginning of October.

The European Green Cities Award is an initiative of the EU's "Green Cities for a Sustainable Europe" programme, in which Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands are currently working together to put urban greening even more firmly on the agenda in Europe.

Further information and application form

The English-language application form and comprehensive information on the award and the evaluation criteria can be found at

Contact for participants from Germany: Bund deutscher Baumschulen (BdB) e.V. GreenCity@gruen-ist-leben. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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