
"Digitalisation": focus of the bdla association magazine

Digitales Gründerzentrum Ingolstadt_© ARGE Falk van Tetterborn & GINA Barcelona Architects

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The rapid digitalisation of the economy and society is also changing the work processes in planning offices. The focus of the issue 4/2020 of the bdla association magazine illuminates the experiences and challenges with the so-called "Building 4.0" for landscape architects from different perspectives.

The contributions focus on Building Information Modeling (BIM), which is gaining increasing importance in the construction industry and among clients.

The possibilities of incorporating environmental data in real time and using new digital tools are immense, but at the same time society and landscape architecture are also confronted with challenges of unimagined proportions, such as climate change and species extinction.

Prof. Dr. Olaf Schroth, Geodesign and Landscape Informatics, Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences, Freising

In October 2020, a bdla workshop discussion on BIM in landscape architecture was held. The summary by Martin Seebauer and the voices of the workshop participants show the range of questions and tasks.

Oliver Engelmayer presents the current possibilities and limits of "big BIM" in everyday work at the model project Digitales Gründerzentrum Ingolstadt.

Dr. Johannes Gnädinger shows in his contribution the potentials of "Building 4.0" for landscape planners. Franz Damm and Thomas Armonat shed light on the opportunities of digitalisation from a professional policy perspective.

Further contributions are dedicated to the topic from scientific, legal, institutional and everyday practical perspectives.

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