
Graduate numbers in landscape architecture stagnate

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The bdla working group on training conducted a survey on the number of first-year students and graduates in landscape architecture courses, the evaluation of which is now available. The central result is that the number of beginners and graduates is largely constant with slight annual fluctuations, but without a clear upward or downward trend.

In Bachelor's degree programmes in landscape architecture, there were an average of 950 first-year students/year and around 600 graduates/year between 2014 and 2018. The number of graduates from corresponding Master's programmes averaged 310/year between 2015 and 2018. All courses of study in landscape architecture in Germany were taken into account that fulfil the content-related requirements for chamber eligibility (graphic: bdla).

The survey on the number of new students and graduates will be continued and continuously updated by the bdla working group on education. Many thanks to all universities for providing the figures.

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