
Expert hearing on BauGB

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On 22.02.2021, the first public expert hearing took place in the Building Committee, on the draft law for the mobilization of building land within the framework of the amendment of the Building Code (BauGB) in the Bundestag (19/24838, 19/26023). Associations as well as representatives of the real estate and housing industry were invited. They expressed their criticism of the government draft.

Re-introduction of § 13b BauGB

Thus Johannes Bohl, specialist lawyer for administrative law, commented on behalf of the EIA Society on the reintroduction of §13b BauGB as follows: "The new edition of the facilitated development in external areas is not purposeful for more affordable living space. It is mainly smaller communities that make use of this exemption for single-family homes. Multi-story residential construction, even more so in metropolitan areas, has thus far hardly come into being." The planned new regulation is rejected by almost all associations and experts, including the bdla.

Sectoral development plan

The Federal Association of Municipal Umbrella Organizations criticized the regulatory core of the draft law, the new sectoral development plan, for lacking important options for determining, for example, development and social infrastructure. The federal association also considers a regulation on the participation of private parties in social and/or green infrastructure to be necessary. "Only through this can an equivalent to qualified development plans be created."

The bdla continues to pursue the law for the mobilization of building land and will offer a corresponding online seminar on the contents after the law has been passed.

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