
Request for participation: Survey on BIM

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The bdla BIM working group asks all freelance colleagues and planning offices to participate in a survey on BIM projects in landscape architecture. The aim is to obtain an overview of the status of BIM application in open space and landscape planning. The survey will run until Friday, 23 April 2021.

Based on the questions about the project, the software and the processed use cases, the BIM WG would like to identify the current capabilities, opportunities and problems of the planning offices in the introduction of BIM. The results of the survey will be used to coordinate the future fields of action for the work of the BIM AG. All project types are of interest, from the office-internal "Little Closed BIM" exercise project for the three-dimensional design of open spaces to the "Big Open BIM" project with numerous external disciplines involved.

To the online survey "BIM in Landscape Architecture

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