
HOAI appraisal - increase of the table values demanded

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The Association of Consulting Engineers (VBI) had commissioned an expert opinion on the topicality of the HOAI table values. It comes to the conclusion that the table values would have to be raised significantly, see press release of the VBI. In six selected service profiles, increases of up to 26.7 percent were determined. The report was prepared by a team led by Dipl.-Ing. Klaus-Dieter Siemon, who was already involved in the update of the HOAI and the fee scales in 2013 on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economics.

For the report, the calculation formula from 2013 was further developed and supplemented with additional influencing factors. Subsequently, architecture and engineering firms were surveyed on rationalization effects, additional and reduced expenses as well as cost developments over the past eight years. In the six service profiles examined, the results were differentiated according to smaller and larger projects. The need for increases was determined in detail according to the amount of chargeable costs in the individual fee zones.

For the fee schedule for the service profile of outdoor facilities, the need for an increase results in a range of 17.4 to 21.1 percent. The service profiles of the surface planning are not considered in the appraisal.

According to the assessment of the bdla, there is also a need for amendment, not only in the planning of open spaces, but also in the service profiles of area planning. The issue is currently being discussed in depth in the association's internal committees and in consultation with other associations of architects and engineers.

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