
German Landscape Architecture Award 2021 goes to Westpark in Augsburg

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Jury awards one first prize and nine prizes

The competition for the German Landscape Architecture Award 2021 has been decided. The first prize goes to the Westpark, Augsburg, design author: Lohaus ∙ Carl ∙ Köhlmos, PartGmbB Landschaftsarchitekten ∙ Stadtplaner, Hanover. This was the result of the jury meeting on 23 April 2021 in Berlin.

Foto: Eckhart Matthäus

Foto: Eckhart Matthäus

At their meeting in the German Centre for Architecture, the nine judges appointed by the bdla, led by jury chairperson Sonja Rossa-Banthien, r b landschaft s architektur, Dresden, sifted through the 35 nominated works, awarding first prize and prizes in nine categories.

Awards went to the following categories:
Public space as a centre
Small Kiel Canal - Holstenfleet Kiel, design author: bgmr Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH, Berlin.

Residential environment
Park Mitte, Hamburg-Altona, design author: Krebs und Herde Landschaftsarchitekten, Winterthur/Switzerland.

Landscape and Environmental Planning / Landscape Experience
Baumkirchen-Mitte, Munich, design author: mahl ∙ gebhard ∙ konzepte Landschaftsarchitekten bdla Stadtplaner, Munich.

Sport, Spiel, Bewegung
Schulen am See, Hard (Austria), design author: TERRA.NOVA Landschaftsarchitektur, Munich.

Landscape architecture in detail
Nature in Wassertrüdingen, design author: PLANORAMA Landschaftsarchitektur, Berlin.

Climate adaptation
Klimawäldchenam Wollhausplatz, Heilbronn, design author: City of Heilbronn, Parks Department.

Historic sites
Urban development Eutin, design author: A24 Landschaft Landschaftsarchitektur GmbH, Berlin.

Digital innovation
Summer island - the landscape from the digital matrix, Heilbronn, design author: LOMA architecture landscape urbanism, Kassel

Atmospheric spaces
Supplementary museum conversion at the Peter-August-Böckstiegel-Haus, Werther (Westf.), design author: Planergruppe GmbH Oberhausen, Essen.

The competition
This is now the 15th competition since it was first announced in 1993. The subject matter is socially and ecologically oriented settlement and landscape development as well as contemporary open space planning. With the more intensive use of urban and rural areas, ever higher demands are being placed on the efficiency of the environment. Urban growth and the simultaneous transformation of rural regions, climate change and the energy transition, economic challenges and - currently - the consequences of a pandemic are generating pressure to adapt and conflicts. With great effort, existing infrastructures are constantly being adapted to the changed conditions, and entire systems have to be rebuilt. For the development and realization of these new systems, a fundamental rethinking and strategic / visionary action is required at all planning levels. "Green Infrastructure" becomes a symbol for the importance of green, open space and landscape planning for the provision of public services, for multifunctional qualification and design of green spaces.

The award ceremony
The award ceremony has been postponed to 2022. The bdla publishes the awarded and nominated works in a competition documentation.

The sponsors
The German Landscape Architecture Award 2021 competition is sponsored by
Bruns-Pflanzen-Export GmbH.

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