Application in the online procedure. Deadline on 26 January 2021
The bdla has announced the German Landscape Architecture Award for the 15th time. With the more intensive use of urban and landscape spaces, ever higher demands are being placed on the performance of the environment. Urban growth and the simultaneous emptying of rural regions, climate change, the energy transition and economic challenges are generating pressure to adapt and conflicts. With great effort, existing infrastructures are currently being adapted to the changed conditions and entire systems are being rebuilt. For the development and realisation of these new systems, a fundamental rethinking is required at all planning levels. The term "green infrastructure" emphasises the importance of green space, open space and landscape planning for the provision of public services.
With reference to Green Infrastructure, the prize is awarded to exemplary projects and their authors. The subject matter is socially and ecologically oriented settlement and landscape development as well as contemporary open space planning. The award recognises outstanding planning achievements, including conceptual ones, that demonstrate aesthetically sophisticated, innovative, ecological and participatory solutions.
The patron is Horst Seehofer, Federal Minister of the Interior, for Building and Home Affairs.
Participation and entrants
Participation in or submission of projects to the German Landscape Architecture Award 2021 competition takes place online. The competition language is German. The deadline is 26 January 2021.
The competition is open to German or German-based landscape architects, persons with a degree in landscape architecture (open space and landscape planning), members of other disciplines who are members of the bdla, and consortia involving the above-mentioned. Clients in particular are invited to submit work by those entitled to participate.
A participation fee of 200 euros is payable per project. The participation fee is waived for submitted projects whose planners/designers are bdla members; it is covered by the bdla membership fee.
Prize jury
Top-class judges guarantee an adequate assessment of the submitted projects. The bdla presidium has appointed the following jurors:
- Prof. Dr. Karin Helms, landscape architect, President of IFLA Europe, Oslo/ Brussels
- Gesa Loschwitz-Himmel, landscape architect ByAK and journalist, Munich
- Till Rehwaldt, Landscape Architect, Rehwaldt Landscape Architects, Dresden, bdla President
- René Rheims, Landscape Architect, KRAFT.RAUM Landscape Architecture and Urban Development, Krefeld
- Sonja Rossa-Banthien, Landscape Architect, r+b landschaft s architektur, Dresden
- Oliver Runge, Managing Partner, Runge GmbH & Co. KG, Bissendorf
- Hubertus Schäfer, Landscape Architect, GREENBOX Landscape Architects, Düsseldorf
- Edith Schütze, Landscape Architect, faktorgruen, Freiburg
- Doris Törkel, Head of the Garden, Cemetery and Forestry Office of the State Capital Düsseldorf
Erster Preis und Auszeichnungen
Die Jurybewertung erfolgt in zwei Schritten; die Vorauswahl mit Nominierung erfolgt online bis zum 15. März 2021. Auf einer Sitzung am 23. April 2021 in Berlin entscheiden die Juroren über die Vergabe des Ersten Preises und der Auszeichnungen in den Kategorien:
- Öffentlicher Raum als Zentrum,
- Wohnumfeld/Arbeitsumfeld,
- Pflanzenverwendung,
- Landschafts- und Umweltplanung/Landschaftserleben,
- Sport, Spiel, Bewegung,
- Landschaftsarchitektur im Detail,
- Junge Landschaftsarchitektur,
- Klimaanpassung,
- Historische Anlagen/ Gartendenkmalpflege.
Award ceremony
The award will be presented at a ceremony in Berlin next year. On this occasion, the award-winning works will be presented to the public. At the award ceremony, a documentation will be published with all the award-winning projects as well as the works nominated for the German Landscape Architecture Award 2021 competition.
A big thank you goes to the sponsors of the German Landscape Architecture Award 2021:
- Bruns-Pflanzen-Export GmbH & Co. KG
- ComputerWorks GmbH
- Rinn Beton- und Naturstein GmbH & Co. KG
- Runge GmbH & Co. KG
- smb Seilspielgeräte GmbH
- Zeppelin Baumaschinen GmbH
- Bundesverband Garten-, Landschafts- und Sportplatzbau BGL
- NürnbergMesse / GaLaBau
- GdW Bundesverband deutscher Wohnungs- und Immobilienunternehmen
Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten bdla
Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 6, 10179 Berlin
Tel. 030 27 87 15-0, Fax 030 27 87 15-55
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