
Call for Submissions: The New European Bauhaus Prizes

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With the "EU Green Deal", the European Union has set itself the goal of making Europe climate-neutral by 2050. By 2030, 55 percent of emissions are already to be reduced to 1990 levels. The Commission wants to promote sustainable ideas and is awarding prizes worth a total of 450,000 euros as part of its "New European Bauhaus" initiative.

New European Bauhaus

The European Commission's New European Bauhaus (NEB) initiative is about our daily coexistence manifested in a more beautiful, sustainable and inclusive designed environment, as well as the implementation of the European Green Deal. Currently, the European Commission's strategy is in the co-design phase (NEBC), the first phase to collect ideas focused on design and engagement. More information on the NEB initiatives at:

Prizes announced

Accompanying the first phase is a competition. The prizes are intended to reward existing examples as well as new concepts that exemplify the values of the New European Bauhaus - sustainability, aesthetics and inclusion.

The prizes will be awarded in two areas (in 10 categories each):

"New European Bauhaus Awards" (30,000 euros) for projects that have already been completed, and.

"New European Bauhaus Rising Star" (15,000 euros) for concepts and ideas by applicants under 30 years of age.

Awards will be given in a total of ten different categories:

  1. Techniques, materials and processes for construction and design
  2. Building in the sense of the circular economy
  3. Solutions for the parallel development of the built environment and nature
  4. Regenerated urban and rural spaces
  5. Products and lifestyles
  6. Preservation and transformation of cultural heritage
  7. Newly invented places of encounter and exchange
  8. Mobilization of culture, arts and communities
  9. Modular, adaptable and mobile housing solutions
  10. Interdisciplinary educational models

Applications for the prize competition can be submittedat Individuals as well as institutions may apply; collaborative applications are also accepted. For the Rising Star Award, only persons (or groups of persons) up to the respective age of 30 may apply by the closing date. Applicants may also come from non-EU countries as long as the project itself is developed and implemented in the EU.

The deadline for applications is 31 May 2021.

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