
Corona pandemic: planners cautiously optimistic

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In April 2021, the fourth joint brief survey by the Federal Chamber of Architects and the Federal Chamber of Engineers on the impact of the pandemic on planning offices took place. Fortunately, the number of those feeling negative economic consequences has steadily decreased over the past 12 months. More than 5,000 planners took part in the survey.

In the evaluation of all architecture firms, 22 respondents currently stated that they felt clearly negative economic effects of the pandemic; 38% stated slightly negative effects. As in the previous BAK and BIngK surveys, the situation among landscape architects is comparatively better (clearly negative effects for 11%, slightly negative effects for 41%, no negative effects for 48 LA offices).

The assessment of the future economic development has improved continuously since April 2020. Whereas 24 of the architects surveyed at the time stated that they expected the economic situation to deteriorate significantly in the next three months, this figure has fallen to just 6% in the current survey. Slight deterioration is currently expected by 25.

It also became clear in the survey that the effects of the Corona pandemic on engineering and architectural firms are now different from those at the beginning of the pandemic. While incoming orders have stabilized and fewer firms are complaining about cancelled or postponed orders, the proportion of firms having to deal with staff shortages on the construction site or in their own offices is rising. Also jumping compared to November 2020 is the percentage of offices complaining of delays in the permitting process and delivery delays and material shortages on the job site. However, it is not clear from the survey results whether the delivery delays are related to the Corona pandemic.

For more details on the survey results, see the BAK press release.

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