
BMI publishes inner city strategy

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Qualified open space design plan included as a recommendation

On 22.07.2021, the Inner City Strategy was published by the Advisory Council Inner City at the Federal Ministry of the Interior, for Construction and Home Affairs (BMI). The aim of the strategy is to support cities and municipalities in the transformation of acute and structural problematic situations in the inner cities, city and district centres.


In addition to the inner city strategy, has launched the programme "Sustainable inner cities and centres" with 250 million euros. The strategy and the funding programme offer a valuable and urgently needed framework for action and support for weakened inner cities. In addition to representatives of trade and real estate associations, the gastronomy sector and the municipal umbrella organisations, the bdla was also involved in the work of the inner city advisory council.

The inner city strategy contains on the one hand the current challenges as well as upcoming tasks and illustrates these in 66 examples from the municipal practice. In the last part 37 recommendations for the strengthening of lively city centres are suggested. The qualified open space design plan, which has long been demanded by the bdla, was included in the recommendations as a mandatory component in the building application procedure. New approaches such as cooperation between municipalities and private individuals for the maintenance of green and open spaces are also proposed.

The inner city is to be tried out as a test area or real laboratory for new usage concepts and flexible space concepts, such as co-working spaces or FabLabs, are to be made possible. Especially in reallabs, new formats of cooperation between science, civil society, city administration and business can be tested.

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