
Federal Congress Building Green on 23/24.11.2021 in Berlin and Online

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The German Green Building Association (Bundesverband GebäudeGrün e.V.). (BuGG) is organising a congress on 23 and 24 November 2021 under the motto "Where does Germany stand in terms of building greening?". The bdla is a cooperation partner, bdla members can participate at the reduced "BuGG participation fee".

The event will take stock of the current situation, draw a conclusion on the implementation of green roofs and façades in Germany and derive future directions and recommendations for action. It will also address the question of whether Germany is a global leader in greening buildings.

The Federal Congress Building Green 2021 is a step towards the World Congress Building Green, which will also take place in Berlin from 10-12 May 2022.

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