
Professional policy survey 2021

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Office succession, construction management, BIM are current topics of the chamber members

In the 2nd quarter of 2021, the chambers of architects in the federal states, under the auspices of the Federal Chamber of Architects, conducted an online survey of all chamber members on professional policy issues. How has Corona changed everyday working life? How do colleagues deal with HOAI price dumping? Is selling one's office an integral part of retirement planning? What about the willingness to become self-employed? What role does work-life balance play in job choice? Have local authorities invested in better staffing and BIM?


Informative results from the survey of self-employed and employed members of the state chambers of architects of all disciplines are now available on the following seven topics:

  1. Office succession and readiness to start a business
  2. Equal opportunities and compatibility of family and career
  3. Effects of the Corona pandemic on employed and civil servant chamber members
  4. New HOAI and effects of the HOAI judgement
  5. Personnel situation in the building administration
  6. Decision criteria in the choice of a job / practical relevance of university education
  7. Building Image Modeling (BIM)

14,176 chamber members participated in the survey in June 2021, including 6,388 self-employed and 7,788 dependent employees. BAC committees will further evaluate the nationwide results in the coming weeks.

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