
New federal "Blue Compass" award launched

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Municipalities with climate adaptation projects can apply for the first time

The German Federal Environment Ministry and the Federal Environment Agency are now jointly seeking innovative projects with sustainable solutions for climate adaptation. To this end, they launched the "Blue Compass", the highest state award in Germany for projects aimed at adapting to the consequences of the climate crisis.


Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke: "Climate prevention and climate adaptation have become an urgent twin task. (...) Municipalities are particularly challenged when it comes to averting the consequences of the climate crisis. The federal government therefore supports the municipalities with funding, advice and capacity building on the ground. (...) With the newly launched federal award 'Blue Compass', we want to deliberately find such solutions that call for imitation in order to achieve the best possible climate adaptation throughout Germany."

As before, private and municipal companies, educational and research institutions as well as associations and foundations can apply. New from 2022: For the first time, cities, municipalities and districts can also submit their innovative projects.

The deadline for applications is 25 March 2022. The award comes with prize money of 25,000 euros per winning project.

federal award "Blue Compass"

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