
Survey on the economic situation of engineers and architects published

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The survey commissioned in 2021 by the Committee of Associations and Chambers of Engineers and Architects for the Fee Regulations (AHO), the Federal Chamber of Engineers (BIngK) and the Association of Consulting Engineers (VBI) shows a predominantly positive picture despite the pandemic for the 2020 business year.

Compared to the previous year's study, the need for personnel has increased once again. Increased demand is also expected in the owner/partner and shareholder segments. The offices surveyed also reported an average order backlog of 10.8 months.

Further it is not surprising that in the cost structure the personnel expenditures predominate with 74%. This is due to the higher personnel expenses for engineers. It is particularly positive that of the 653 participating architecture or engineering firms, more than 90 percent were able to generate a profit in the 2020 financial year.

The entire evaluation of the survey by the Institute for Liberal Professions (FBI) can be found on the website of the AHO.

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