
(Future) Trees - Competence and Tasks of Landscape Architects

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Trees are indispensable design elements in landscape architecture. However, the already often suboptimal site conditions of trees in the city are increasingly aggravated by the advancing climate change.

Added to this are sealing, redensification and plants under stress, in difficult locations, insufficiently cared for, in planting holes that are too small.

In the 1/2022 issue of "Landscape Architects", authors have published their experiences with sustainable vegetation concepts, formulated solutions for tree management considering heat and drought stress.

At the rate that environmental and site conditions are changing for native trees, they cannot simply adapt. 'Exotics' are the winners of climate change. But diversity is and remains the trump card!

Volker Lange, Head of the Green Spaces Office of the City of Kassel

Now is the time to act, because the transformation of cities from gray to green cannot be mastered overnight.

How we deal with urban spaces in the coming years and whether we will continue to feel comfortable in growing cities is a decision that is in the hands of all of us and can only be mastered in an interdisciplinary way.

Bernhard von Ehren, Vice President of the Association of German Nurseries

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 1/2022

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