
Meetup "freshgreen_networked" starts on May 18, 2022

Paul Giencke, gm013 landschaftsarchitektur

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Initiated by the working group Young Landscape Architects of the bdla, the Meetup "frischgrün_vernetzt" aims to promote and consolidate the exchange of content and networking within the young landscape architecture scene.

The regulars' table format is to take place locally and simultaneously digitally via a video meeting on a monthly basis throughout Germany. One or two keynote speeches are planned at the beginning of the regulars' tables (e.g. on topics ranging from design methodology to office management), followed by an open discussion.

Approximately two hours are tentatively scheduled for the meetings. The first three Meetups will take place on the following dates:

Wednesday, 5/18/2022, 7pm-2pm
Paul Giencke, GM013 Landscape Architecture: Young Landscape Architects - Where do I find the best before date?

Thursday, 23.06.2022, 19-21 Uhr
(in preparation)

Thursday, 21.07.2022, 19-21 Uhr
(in preparation)

The presence meetings for the first date will take place in Berlin, Frankfurt, Balingen and Nuremberg.

To sign up for the mailing list, which announces the individual dates about two weeks in advance, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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