The "frischgrün_vernetzt" meetup is intended to promote and consolidate the exchange of content and networking within the young landscape architecture scene. The initiator is the Young Landscape Architects working group of the bdla.
The regulars' table format regularly takes place locally and digitally via a video meeting. Keynote speeches and a subsequent open discussion are planned.

Thursday, 15.06.2023, 7 p.m. to approx. 9 p.m., digital and in person
Topic: "Attitude - what s our mission now" with Franz Reschke, Nicole Meier, Teresa Burmester and Paul Giencke
Landscape architecture means attitude, landscape architecture means responsibility. Attitude as a means against irrelevance in the vastness of mediocre open spaces. Almost every landscape architecture firm ascribes its own attitude to its work. But what does attitude mean, what distinguishes attitude from fashionable phrases, and is attitude a prerequisite for success? Or the opposite? A driver or an obstacle?
We would like to discuss your and our attitude(s) - old, new, discarded, outdated, evolved. It's not easy to describe in a few words what fascinates you, what you stand for and what makes your work special. So perhaps one or two questions will suffice - to yourself and to the group. Over the course of the evening, we will bring together our attitudes, look for and discuss interfaces between young landscape architects. Insights, suggestions, impulses.
Ideally, everyone will prepare a slide or image combined with text. Nicole Meier, Teresa Burmester, Paul Giencke and Franz Reschke will also conjure up a few curiosities from their own box and or from the archives of their colleagues.
We are planning to hold regular get-togethers at gm013 Landschaftsarchitektur (Berlin) and lichtelandschaften (Frankfurt am Main).
We hope that we have aroused your interest and would be delighted to welcome you. You can register informally by e-mail - please send it to
In the e-mail, please indicate whether you would like to participate in person (or at one of the above-mentioned locations) or online. You will then receive the meeting link for online participation and further information on the presence locations.
- Latitude: 0
- Longitude: 0