
13th bdla Business Forum in Hamburg on November 17, 2022

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How can the current global crises such as Corona, war in Ukraine, inflation and climate change be mastered economically? Do we have to/should we include price escalator clauses in the contract award? What is the current status of the HOAI amendment?

Photo: Keith Jonston, Pixabay

These are the issues that this year's Business Forum will address. Renowned speakers such as Michael Halstenberg, former Ministerial Director, and Dr. Sebastian Schattenfroh, bdla Legal Advisor, will provide important impulses for new perspectives in dealing with the ongoing multiple crises. The subsequent discussions on the podium representatives from the bdla bodies and established planning offices should provide further practical suggestions and possible solutions for the participants.

On the previous day, young landscape architects will also have the opportunity to learn more about the 3rd Workshop Young Landscape Architecture on the grounds of the Lorenz von Ehren tree nursery, to exchange ideas on the application of the HOAI as well as personnel planning and calculation.


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