
Results of the "Structural survey on the state of the profession" 2022

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A current nationwide survey of the BAK and the 16 architectural chambers of the federal states on the professional situation of the chamber members and the economic situation of the offices comes to interesting results.

The figures of the survey 2022 show the - despite Corona crisis - economically good condition of the industry in the reporting year 2021. Calculated on all office sizes, the fee turnover of landscape architecture offices per owner:in / technical:employee:in increased by 6% compared to 2019. The larger the office, the higher the turnover. The surplus per owner:in (meridian) has also increased, in some cases significantly, compared to 2019, except for the solo self-employed.

Grafik zeigt die Honorarzuwächse seit 2013 pro Inhaber:in bzw. technischen Mitarbeitern.
Graphic: German Federal Chamber of Architects

The study provides wide-ranging insights, including on topics such as work-life balance, the impact of the 2019 ECJ HOAI ruling, and experiences with sustainable construction.

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