
Competition "GARDENS OF THE YEAR" 2023 decided

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The first prize in the competition "Gardens of the Year" 2023 was awarded on February 14, 2023 at Schloss Dyck to the office Feldmann Gartenarchitektur for the "Erlebnisraum Garten" in Bensheim an der Bergstraße, Hesse; execution: Feldmann Gartenarchitektur.

One recognition each for:

- "Creation out of nothing", Stemwede-Levern, NRW. Planning: Petra Hirsch Gartenplanung, execution: own work

- "Lower Rhine Arcadia", Lower Rhine, NRW. Planning: WKM Landschaftsarchitekten, Execution: Cremers Grüngestaltung und Landschaftsbau

Recognition for "Lower Rhine Arcadia". Planning: WKM Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH, Düsseldorf. © Ferdinand Graf Luckner
The honorees Klaus Klein and Simon Strommenger, WKM Landscape Architects, and Ralf Cremers, Cremers Grüngestaltung, received the award from jury member Jens Spanjer (from left to right) © Peter J Kierzkowski/Callwey

- "Green more roofs!", Berlin. Planning/execution: Potsdamer Gartengestaltung GmbH.

- "Allowing life in its diversity", Bonn. Planning/execution: Bitters, Gärtner von Eden

The Callwey publishing house had - together with its partners BGL, bdla, BSLA, DGGL, GaLaBau federation Austria, Jardin Suisse, ÖGLA, Giardina and lock Dyck as well as medium partners - for the eighth time on the search for the best of Landschaftsarchitekt:innen/ enterprises of the garden and landscape gardening arranged private gardens in the German-speaking countries. The jury, in which for the bdla vice-president Irene Burkhardt participated, had attached importance to holistic concepts, which let the garden become in individual way the extended living and pleasure area of its Nutzer:innen.

The book with the 50 garden portraits present Prof. Stephan Lenzen, bdla president, Thomas Banzhaf, BGL vice president, Jens Spanjer, executive committee of the donation lock Dyck, and yokes Thomann, Thomann garden and landscape gardening GmbH andamp; Co. kg. © Peter J Kierzkowski/Callwey

The documentation for the GARDENS OF THE YEAR 2023 competition provides an overview of the most beautiful private gardens in German-speaking countries.

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